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KOC Office Complex at Ahmadi

Contract No.: 26356
Title: KOC Office Complex - Ahmadi
Owner: M/s. Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.)
Supervision Consultant: M/s. Gulf Consult
Contractor: M/s. Alamiah Building Company
Total Contract Value: KD 31,285,000.000
The Project’ scope of works comprises of the Construction, Completion, Commissioning, Handing Over and Maintenance of KOC Office Complex at Ahmadi. The Project entails the construction of 6 Main Office Buildings that will include all KOC employees. Total built-up area for these buildings is approximately 80,000m2. The Project also includes the construction works for services building, substations, cooling tower, guard rooms...etc.
The construction works comprises mainly the following:-
a) Demolishing works for existing buildings, relocation and diversion of existing services.
b) Shop drawings preparation for all trades and constructed works for all project units.
c) Plumbing, sanitary, drainage and firefighting system.
d) Electrical installation, fire alarm, security system and information technology system.
e) External networks including coordination with and connection to existing site infrastructure and utilities.
f) Elevating systems.
g) HVAC systems.
h) Site development soft landscaping and irrigation.
i) Parking areas and hard landscape.