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Ministry of Public Works (MPW)

Department of Public Works was constructed in 1945. It had limited duties such as Public Building, Shura Council, Department of Health and the Old Amiri Hospital. By 1962, the department became the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) to clarify its responsibilities and specialization. In the last four decades, especially in the 70’s and 80’s, Kuwait has seen an architectural expansion, as great buildings replaced small houses, and mosques, hospitals & schools spread all over the country. Also, the streets and highways are of great importance to the Ministry as a part of re-building the infrastructure by renewing and maintaining rainwater & drainage networks.
Furthermore, MPW has specialized labs such as the “Government Center for Testing & Quality Control & Researches”. This great growth is contributed to the work done by the Ministry of Public Works with all its technical departments, as it provides required services to other ministries and governmental sectors in Kuwait. For more information about the MPW, please logon on to their website
Being one of its major governmental clients, Alamiah Building Company have carried out various projects for this ministry, few of which are listed hereunder :-
Completed Projects
MPW Contract No. SPA/158 - Construction, Completion and Maintenance of Bayan Palace (Phase 2) - Fitness Center, worth KD 14,235,749.666
Supply & Installation of Precast, Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) and Reconstruction Stone Works for Amiri Diwan at Gulf Street, Kuwait City, worth KD 3,000,000.000
Design, casting, transportation, installation and maintenance of pre-cast concrete works for MPW Contract No. SE/34 - Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance & Renovation of Sanitary Drainage Network in Kuwait Phase III - Part B1, Shuwaikh Industrial & Hospital Areas and Construction of Pump Station A7 and Related Tunnels, worth KD 77,000.000
Design, manufacture, supply, installation and maintenance of Plant Precast Structural Concrete Bleachers for Contract No. PAY/15-2001/2012 - Al-Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium at Ardiya in Kuwait, worth KD 1,880,000.000
Design, manufacture, supply, installation and maintenance of precast works for Kuwait International Airport VVIP Lounge, worth KD 123,000.000
Ongoing Projects
MPW Contract No. SPA/30 - Construction, Execution and Maintenance of Special Forces Facility at Sulaibiya, worth KD 57,741,880.000
MPW Contract No. SPA/116 - Construction, Completion, Commissioning and Maintenance of National Assembly Buildings for Members and the Information Centre, worth KD 29,877,000.000